This is an opportunity to upgrade existing client operations by deploying modern come supply chain management platform, well-defined processes and trained manpower.
Fully set-up modern infrastructure to manage client operations. Client can move inventory and start operations. In addition to all services in operations management we provide.
Complete automated transportation management for domestic as well as EXIM trade allowing our clients to optimize transportation solution, monitor network performance.
360inventorysolutions was set up by a team with exh austive experience of supply chain solutions, advisory, ware house design and technology product development to be the pr eferred supply chain management partner for small and mid-si zed companies focusing on trading, retail & wholesale distri bution allowing our clients to effectively compete with thei r larger competitors on efficiency and effectiveness.
1.Our well-defined processes supported by state-of-art technology reliably deliver 99.9%+ inventory accuracy
2.Improve your fill rates
1.Improved space utilisation
2.Improved manpower productivity
1. Use our plug and play facilities to quickly respond to business dynamics.
2. No need to plan for months to start a new location
1.Dispatch complete complete order, correct order and on-time, always.
2. Real time visibility to relevant information for all your stakeholders – vendors, sales team, customer and transporters
Our fully compliant multi-client, plug and play warehouses ensure that your size and requirements are not a constraint to your warehouse operations.
Our fully compliant multi-client, plug and play warehouses e nsure that your size and requirements are not a constraint t o your warehouse operations. Modern buildings, well-designed storage racks, well-appointed digital infrastructure includ ing laptops, hand held terminals, printers and security infr astructure including CCTV and barricades make enterprise gra de warehouses possible for everyone.
We are always thinking about and improving on supply chain p rocesses so that our clients don’t have to. We bring the bes t learnings from our operations to every new client through well-defined and strandardized operating procedures with hig h degree of process compliance enforced by our proprietary s upply chain management platform.
A fully-featured Order Management System, a mobile-first Warehouse Management System, a multi-modal Freight Management System combined with suite of custom and off-the-shelf integrations is what allows us to deliver on our supply chain promise to our clients. In addition to making your supply chain efficient we can also support your other decisions like merchandising, order levels, optimal stocking points, etc. through data analytics.